I’ve always been amazed by the healing effects of crystals. It started in my 20s when a crystal healer took my breath away after she was able to pinpoint where I had broken my leg 10 years earlier.
Since then, I have been hooked and I have used crystals every day for rebalancing my own chakras, helping with acute illnesses and bringing positive energy into my life and home.
I also find them useful for protection against negativity and to rebalance the energy of Electromagnetic frequencies. I love the colours and the beauty of each individual crystal; they are one of nature’s most stunning and powerful creations.
Crystal Healing is unique, very gentle and wonderfully relaxing. Each crystal has a unique energy and healing power and can help with emotional and physical ailments. The healing energy works holistically and helps bring about subtle changes. The crystals are so versatile they can lighten your mood and energy and help cure a headache, tummy ache or ease inflammation and much more!
I use crystals on specific points during healing sessions, working intuitively and knowing where certain crystals are most needed. This activates a powerful healing and recharging of the whole mind, body and spirit. It is necessary to regularly clear and recharge your chakras to feel your very best.
Before the crystal healing treatment, we have a short consultation to talk through any health or emotional worries you may have. During the treatment you lie fully clothed on a massage table, while I set up crystal grids from top to toe. I work from one end of the body to the other rebalancing and working where it is most needed to bring about balance and healing.
It can vary depending on your individual health and circumstances. To see the most benefit, 2 sessions per month are recommended and then a regular maintenance session once a month.
Price - 60 minutes - £50, 90 minutes - £60
'I recently lost my husband and never experienced crystal healing before. Lisa was intuitive to my needs and had a calming presence. I would readily recommend Lisa' Tricia Norwich June 2024
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